


Relationship between body mass index and rehabilitation outcomes in chronic stroke.

Am J Phys Med Rehabil. 2012 Nov;91(11):951-6.
Sheffler LR1, Knutson JS, Gunzler D, Chae J.


本研究の目的は、慢性脳卒中患者への、歩行のリハビリテーション介入後のbody mass index(BMI)と、運動障害および機能的移動能力の変化との関係を評価すること。

2つの12週間の歩行練習介入を比較するランダム化比較試験に参加した片麻痺被験者 (n = 108, >3 months post stroke) で、介入前と介入後のFugl-Meyer scores と modified Emory Functional Ambulation Profile scoresの相関と線形回帰分析を行う

年齢と、性別、脳卒中タイプ、脳卒中後の期間、トレーニング機器、で統制した線形回帰モデルでは Fugl-Meyerのスコアは介入前BMIと有意に関連していた(β = -0.207, P = 0.036)。"up and go" modified Emory Functional Ambulation Profile score(Blog管理者 注:つまりTimed up & go testのスコア)はBMIとネガティブに有意相関した(β = 0.216, P = 0.03)。 modified Emory Functional Ambulation Profile scoresの変化のうち1) in floor, 2) carpet, 4) obstacles,  5) stair climbingではBMIと有意な相関はなかった。


注:Modified Emory Functional Ambulation Profile
The Modified Emory Functional Ambulation Profile (mEFAP) is a clinical test that measures the time to ambulate through five common environmental terrains. Specific tasks include 1) a 5-m walk on a hard floor; 2) a 5-m walk on a carpeted surface; 3) rising from a chair, a 3-m walk, and return to a seated position (the “timed up-and-go” test); 4) standardized obstacle course; and 5) stair ascent and descent. The test was administered using a hand-held stopwatch in the sequence listed and the five component timed subscores were recorded. The validity16 and interrater reliability16–17 of the mEFAP have been determined. The change of the mEFAP timed score, for each of the five component tasks, was used as a dependent variable, which was defined as the measure at 12-wks subtracted by the measure at baseline.
